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Blank Calendar Printables | Portrait & Landscape Templates

A blank calendar is useful in many ways. You can use it to plan your day, week, or month and make sure you don’t forget any tasks. You can track habits like exercising, reading, or any routine you want to stick to.

If you love cooking, you can use it for meal planning by writing down what to cook each day. This will also help you keep track of your grocery needs. 

Overall, it is a very good habit to plan daily activities and write them down on a printable calendar. I have made a few cute blank calendar printables in both portrait and landscape formats.

Check out blank weekly calendar printables which include the days of the week and have spaces, so you can fill them in yourself if you’d like.

If you want landscape templates of blank calendars, here are a few that I have added. Pick any of them of your choice and use it.

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