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Plan Your Weekly Meals and Menu with These Printables

Every day, we go through the ‘what’s for lunch or dinner‘ dilemma. It’s often our moms who struggle the most to decide what to cook for these meals.

To alleviate some of that stress, you can print out a meal planner to plan your meals for the week in advance.

This idea definitely makes the afternoons and evenings less stressful as meals are pre-decided, and you can also stock up on ingredients ahead of time, avoiding last-minute trips during meal preparation.

Also, if you’re cooking for others, then while deciding meals and menu planning, ask them for their preferences. It can help narrow down the choices.

Meal planner template 1

These printables not only include space for breakfast and lunch, but also for dinner and snacks

Prepare a list of go-to recipes that are quick, easy, and loved by everyone in the household.

You can choose either a Sunday start or a Monday start.

Meal planner template 2

If you want to plan only dinners then here is the perfect printable for you.

This template also has a grocery shopping list where you can note down the ingredients you need as you’re planning your dinners for the week.

You can begin your week on Sunday or Monday.

Themed dinner nights

To make dinner special every day, you can try – theme dinner nights.

You choose a specific theme for the day of the week and you prepare meals that carefully match the theme.

Mostly this happens in restaurants or at special venues but you can try this at home making meals more memorable and entertaining.

No fast food challenge

Sometimes, after realizing we’ve had enough fast food, we decide to focus on healthier eating.

Setting a goal can help us stay motivated, encouraging healthier eating habits, reducing our dependence on processed foods, and in addition to this we also save spendings.

This printable has 31 days of back-to-back challenges, where you can checkmark or dot a circle every single day for a month. To keep things interesting, you can also add some exceptions.

By following this challenge, you’ll likely notice positive changes in your health, energy levels, and mood.

Take a printout and get started!

More tips

  • Prepare meals ahead of time to avoid cravings for fast food or packaged foods.
  • Keep healthy snacks in your kitchen.
  • Try making new healthy recipes.
  • Eat with a friend or family member to stay motivated.
  • Try to maintain the challenge.

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